

Data Relations, 2023

• Publication

Touching Feeling Writing, 2023

  • Lucinda Strahan
  • Loni Jeffs
  • Elyse Goldfinch
• Publication

Simulaa, 2023

  • André Bonnice
  • Anna Janković
  • Amy Yu
• Identity

I brave the whirlwind of dust, 2023

  • Fayen d'Evie
    • Publication

    Sometimes When The Curtains Are Open, We Wave At Each Other, 2022

    • Publication

    A Recount of Conversations About Books, 2022

    • RMIT Communication Design Studio
    • Publication

    Heliotope Architecture, 2022

    • Jane Caught
      • Lettering

      Freak of Nature, 2022

      • Sleep D
      • Butter Sessions
      • Record

      Verner Webstore, 2021

      • Website

      I Feel Better But I Don't Feel Good EP, 2021

      • Alice Skye
        • Record

        Home and Away, 2020

        • Publication

        FHRAS 'Make Good', 2020

        Stack of posters on recycled paper, sitting on a wooden plinth. Black text, grainy black and white image with rounded corners.
        Stack of posters on recycled paper, sitting on a wooden plinth. Black text, grainy black and white image with rounded corners.
        • Melbourne Design Week
        • Yarra City Arts
        • Jessica Wood
        • Nina Tory-Henderson
        • Exhibition

        BSR Ten Year Compilation , 2020

        • Record Cover

        New Agency, 2018

        • Kate Rhodes
        • Nella Themelios
        • Erik North
        • Tim McLeod
        • Layla Cluer
        • Exhibition